Sadly, maltodextrin is commonly used as a carrier during spray-drying of Aloe vera liquid in many powdered aloe concentrates. For this purpose, the industry often uses a ratio of maltodextrin to aloe liquid powder of 1:1. Maltodextrin may also be added to artificially and deceptively enhance the polysaccharide content. This is why, historically, maltodextrin has been one of the most common adulterants in Aloe vera inner leaf products. If not fully disclosed on the label, maltodextrin is considered to be an adulterant.


In liquid aloe products, sometimes the liquid is not pure aloe liquid. In fact, it may have been purposely diluted with water. You may find that the total amount of actual aloe liquid in a product may be less than 10% — which means you are paying a high price for added water. If this high water content is not declared on the label, such products are out of compliance with labeling regulations. Aloe-100™ contains NO added artificial flavorings, colorings or other undesirable additives, as well as NO ADDED WATER.

Watch out for the use of the outer leaf in aloe products! Choose ONLY inner leaf aloe! The leaf of Aloe vera consists of two major parts: the outer, tough, dark green rind and the inner, succulent, translucent, inner leaf. To obtain only the inner leaf liquid, the thick, outer rind is separated from the clear inner leaf gel prior to expressing the aloe liquid. This process, when properly done, can minimize the presence of the unwanted phenolic compounds, aloin A and B, that naturally occur in the outer leaf. This process is accomplished by trimming and removing the outer rind to yield ONLY the inner leaf gel.


Recently, concerns have been raised regarding the potential toxicity of orally consumed Aloe vera products due to the potentially high concentration of phenolic compounds, such as aloin A and B, that naturally occur in the outer aloe leaf. To ensure your safety, QNL tests our product, Aloe-100™, for a special compound called isocitrate. If this compound is present, it may signify that parts of the outer leaf rind have been used in the product – and may contain the undesirable aloin compounds.


Products labeled as “Aloe vera inner leaf juice” should consist solely of the liquid from the inner leaf. If an Aloe vera leaf juice product contains more than 5% dry weight of isocitric acid, it should NOT be labeled as “Aloe vera inner leaf”, but simply as “Aloe vera leaf”. This is why QNL tests for isocitric acid and isocitrate lactones (markers for aloin) – to be sure Aloe-100™ delivers you ONLY pure, organic inner leaf aloe liquid without aloin!


As much as 75% of the solids in aloe vera leaf and inner leaf liquid may consist of beneficial organic acids, metal ions, and chloride. Malic acid is the most abundant organic acid in aloe vera inner leaf liquid. Since malic acid is prone to bacterial degradation into lactic acid by Lactobacillus spp., the content of malic acid can be used as a marker for “freshness” and quality of aloe vera leaf and inner leaf liquid.


Sadly, many companies use undesirable preservatives to stabilize their liquid aloe, such as sodium benzoate (a benzene derivative and suspected carcinogen) and potassium sorbate. These highly questionable preservatives can potentially create liver and kidney stress – and certainly don’t belong in your aloe product in our opinion.

QNL takes a solid stand against its use. We believe sodium benzoate has NO place in nutritional supplements and is best avoided. As you can see, through our rigorous manufacturing and quality control standards, QNL strives to deliver a highly consistent quality product that contains quantum quality aloe manufactured without added undesirable preservatives.

Quantum Nutrition Lab’s vision is twofold: first, to develop only the most quantum quality aloe products by using aloe plants that have been carefully selected for their naturally high cellular resonance. Secondly, our aloe products contain absolutely no undesirable tagalongs. To completely eliminate the need for “deal-breaker” preservatives such as sodium benzoate, methyl paraben and others, we developed a unique process using only natural, food-grade agents to stabilize our quantum-grade aloe – giving you all the goodness of aloe but without the undesirable tagalongs.

QNL Aloe-100: Simply The Best

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