Our regular exercise routine can be interrupted by any number of things, including an unexpected rainy day or blast of frigid winter weather. However, staying inside doesn’t have to stop your athletic ambitions!
Here are seven ways to stay fit indoors:
1. Dance It Out
The perfect remedy for rainy-day blues! Next time the weather keeps you inside, set up your favorite song or album and rock out for a quick, twenty-minute cardio session. Bonus points if you try to learn the dance routine in your favorite music video!
2. Body Weight Exercises
If you’re looking for an effective whole-body workout, consider doing a few circuits of body weight exercises such as sit ups, push-ups, squats, and planks. These easy exercises do not require any equipment and can be done anywhere, making them a perfect indoor workout.
3. Keep it Clean
Have you ever worked up a sweat while doing housework? Consider washing the sheets, sweeping and mopping the floors, doing the dishes, and making the bed. You might be surprised at how tired you feel after an active hour of chores, not to mention the added dopamine boost you’ll get from knocking those items off your to do list!
4. Fight the Gloom
For those who use workouts to keep a level head, try a kickboxing session. These cardio sessions are great for burning off stress and frustrations, and you’re sure to work up a sweat while you’re punching and kicking through the gloom. Just make sure to keep any valuables out of the way!
5. Do a Lap
You may not think your home is large enough to do any substantial walking, but you might be surprised at how many steps you can pack into a day. A few times each hour, stand up, stretch, and walk up the stairs or to another room in the house. By the end of the day, you’ll feel like you’ve packed in a full workout! A bonus – research shows that moving around a few times an hour can increase your cardiovascular health and even lengthen your lifespan.
6. Focus on the Core
An easy muscle group to target when space is limited, your core is a critical component of whole-body fitness. It allows you to have better posture, strengthen your back, and even improve endurance. Most core exercises are done laying on the ground, so if you have a few spare feet of space, you have no excuse!
7. Work Your Body and Calm Your Mind
A relaxing way to get your daily workout in, yoga is a practice that does not require very much space. Yoga will help stretch and strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility, and calm a restless mind. You can find great videos for beginners or full-fledged yogis on the internet.
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