Vitamins and Minerals

  1. Reishi Mushroom: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness

    Reishi Mushroom Powder

    Reishi Mushroom: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness

    Discover the ancient reishi mushroom, once prized by royalty for its powerful health benefits. Now a trending functional food, reishi supports energy, immunity, healthy aging, and more. Learn all about reishi and how to integrate this ancient medicine into your everyday diet for enhanced well-being. 

  2. The Real Deal on Magnesium: Why Magnesium is Important

    Magnesium Sources

    The Real Deal on Magnesium: Why Magnesium is Important

    Do you sometimes crave dark chocolate but aren’t sure why? Well – it’s packed with magnesium, for one. Maybe you are magnesium deficient, and your body is looking for it.

    But what is magnesium, anyway, and what does it do for the body?

    It can be acquired through food or supplementation, but make sure you understand how different forms of magnesium might affect you before you start a supplementation routine. Because however you slice it, magnesium is a requirement, and you need it. 

  3. What is a Plant-Based Diet?

    What is a Plant-Based Diet?

    What is a Plant-Based Diet?

    A plant-based diet consists primarily of foods from plants. Research shows that reducing consumption of meat, fish, seafood, dairy, and eggs and increasing consumption of plant-based foods has health, environmental, and financial benefits. Get tips on how to make the switch to plant-based eating and the variety of plant-based eating approaches. 

  4. Vitamin E’s Most Potent Family Member

    Spoon and blocks spelling vitamin e

    Vitamin E’s Most Potent Family Member

    Have you ever heard of tocotrienols? This relative of vitamin E is proving to be a heart health powerhouse! Offering more antioxidant protection than vitamin E’s tocopherols, tocotrienols are being recognized as potent phytochemicals that can help cool the fire of oxidative stress. Why is that important? Oxidative stress is the driving force toward ageing, and chronic health conditions. Let’s explore how tocotrienols can nourish heart health and more!

  5. Can the “Sunshine Vitamin” Deliver Mood-Boosting Relief?

    Sunshine Vitamin

    Can the “Sunshine Vitamin” Deliver Mood-Boosting Relief?

    As the winter season creeps in, do you find yourself constantly craving a midday nap? Do you feel the urge to reach for an extra cup of coffee? You may be experiencing the winter blues, that unpleasant feeling of sluggishness and sadness that often comes with shorter days, darker evenings, and chillier mornings.

    So how do you unlock your inner cheer and drive out feelings of dread during winter months? One famous vitamin might be the key.

  6. What Should You Look for in a Good Multivitamin?

    Healthy Woman with Natural Vitamins Pink Background

    What Should You Look for in a Good Multivitamin?

    Over half of all American adults, including 70% of those age 65 and older, take a daily multivitamin. Because of poor growth practices and pesticide use on foods, the typical American diet is sadly lacking in sufficient amounts of vital nutrients. Without a doubt, the wise choice is to supplement

  7. One Awesome Seed You May Have Overlooked 

    One Awesome Seed You May Have Overlooked 

    One Awesome Seed You May Have Overlooked 

    These small seeds are packed with valuable nutrients, including vitamin K, phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copperThey are also a great source of dietary fiber, which promotes good digestion and a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. These delicious seeds really do pack a punch! 

  8. Vitamin C: What is It? How much is too much? What kind of supplement should I purchase?

    Grapefruit Slices

    Vitamin C: What is It? How much is too much? What kind of supplement should I purchase?

    Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some plant-based foods, added to the others, and available as a dietary supplement. It plays an essential role in a variety of bodily functions, from healing wounds to preventing diseases, and has been linked to an array of impressive health benefits.


  9. Do You Have a Potassium Deficiency?

    Banana Close-Up

    Do You Have a Potassium Deficiency?

    Potassium plays a critical role in the human body. Potassium helps regulate muscle contractions, maintain healthy nerve function, and regulate fluid balance.  If you experience these symptoms, consider visiting a nutritionally-oriented practitioner to check for a potassium deficiency.


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