What an amazing ancient plant! Aloe vera (a cactus-like plant with a central cluster of smooth, green fronds) has enjoyed a very long and excellent reputation due to its natural health-boosting properties. It has been used for its well-known healing purposes in various cultures for millennia: Greece, Egypt, India, Japan, Mexico, and China.
One of the Secrets of Cleopatra’s Beauty
It is certainly a plant whose elegant healing properties have withstood the test of time. Even the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used aloe as a regular part of her daily beauty regimen to promote her irresistible, radiant skin. Other stories tell of Alexander the Great using aloe to treat the battle wounds of his soldiers. Much later, Christopher Columbus also recommended using aloe to treat wounds.
How to Use Aloe
To use Aloe vera as a juice to drink, the clear, fleshy pulp inside the Aloe vera leaves is pressed to exude the juice. A general recommendation is for adults to drink up to 2 oz. per day. Some research shows that it helps improve digestive issues such as constipation and heartburn, can boost immunity, and much more.
For skin issues, aloe gel can be applied to the skin. The gooey, gel-like substance inside Aloe vera leaves is often used as a cool balm for burned or irritated skin.
Avoid Aloe Products with Mostly Water
In looking for an aloe juice product on the market, buyer beware! Some products are heavily diluted with water and have very little aloe juice. So you may be paying for a lot of water. Just read the label. If “water” is listed as the first ingredient on the label, it may be too diluted. Instead, look for a product that has 100% aloe juice with no added water and no nasty preservatives (such as sodium benzoate).
Check out these Top Five Uses for Aloe Vera:
- Reduces inflammation
Aloe’s notable anti-inflammatory properties are the result of chemical compounds called anthraquinones naturally present within the leaves of this plant. These compounds fight inflammation inside the body but can also be applied externally to the skin to help alleviate pain and promote healing.
- Digestive issues: constipation, heartburn, and more
Aloe vera juice is famous as a natural remedy for constipation, but it can also help with other digestive issues such as heartburn and acid reflux. Research shows that aloe juice may also reduce the risk of stomach ulcers due to its natural anti-inflammatory compounds as well as the vitamin C contained in this juice.
- Boosts immunity
Aloe’s effective antibacterial and antifungal properties make it a great way to boost your immunity, especially when taken in juice form. Powerful micro-nutrients in aloe fight against free radical damage in the body, further boosting immunity.
- Detoxifies the body
Have you noticed that Aloe vera juice is often included in body cleanse procedures? That’s because aloe’s detoxifying juice has the ability to help the body expel toxins. Aloe vera juice also helps prevent dehydration when impurities are being purged and flushed out of the body.
- Soothes burns
Aloe can be used to soothe sunburns, as well as other types of skin damage such as rashes and abrasions. The gel from Aloe vera leaves has amazing moisturizing properties that can help alleviate dry, itchy skin and quickly soothe sunburns.
The Bottom Line
Go ahead … give Aloe vera a try. You owe it to yourself to experience this world-famous, centuries-old, highly valuable remedy that can upgrade your health and wellbeing. This well-known agent, Aloe vera juice, is rich in a whole range of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and immune-promoting phytochemicals that your body needs and loves.
History tells us that Cleopatra regularly used aloe to help promote the great beauty of her skin to make her irresistible to powerful men. Could Aloe (internally and externally) help give you that glow that attracts wonderful people into your life? Well, it certainly can’t hurt. (Smiles!)