Our Blog

  1. Liver Health: Why and How to Support a Healthy Liver

    Liver Health: Why and How to Support a Healthy Liver

    Liver Health: Why and How to Support a Healthy Liver

    When did you last check in about your liver health? The liver is your largest internal organ and performs critical actions to support your well-being. However, the health status of the liver is often overlooked in conversations about overall wellness. Learn how the liver works and how to protect it so that you can live your longest, healthiest life. 

  2. New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Tips for Setting Achievable Goals

    New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Tips for Setting Achievable Goals

    New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Tips for Setting Achievable Goals

    It’s time for a paradigm shift in how we think about New Year’s resolutions. Let go of the idea that you can set a perfect resolution, accomplish it flawlessly, and never look back. Instead, orient yourself around realistic goal setting, allows for natural fluctuations, and translates to sustainable results. Keep reading to explore SMART ideas for achieving your New Year's goals and more!

  3. Understanding Digestive Supplements

    Understanding Digestive Supplements

    Understanding Digestive Supplements

    6 Ways to naturally support your digestion

    Funny tummy. Extra gassy. Blocked up. Bloated. Feeling queasy. Tummy tantrum.

    Everyone, at some point, experiences digestive problems. Whether it’s an upset stomach, diarrhea, gas, and bloating, or the feeling like you ate an entire watermelon – you’re not alone.

    The interesting thing is that most of us never talk about what’s going on with what’s coming out. You know, the inner ecosystem of digestion and elimination. For some reason, we’re shy about this. Well, this blog will help relieve any stigma and change that today. 

    Digestive problems are too important to ignore and be embarrassed about. Number one, if you have trouble with number two, you need to talk to your doctor. No ifs, ands, or butts – you need to tell your doctor that you’re having problems. 

  4. When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

    Best time to take Probiotics

    When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

    Learn 11 do’s and don’ts of taking probiotics

    Probiotics. Everyone seems to be taking them as a fundamental way to support overall health,  but numerous questions arise when integrating probiotics into your wellness routine, including which probiotic strains to take and the best time to take them. 

    Ideally, you follow the dosage instructions for your probiotic supplement. Depending on the probiotic strain, the instructions may tell you to take them with food or between meals. The ability of various probiotic strains to survive the pH of our stomach acid varies from species to species and within strains. For example, Lactobacillus spp. are able to survive acidic gastric conditions while Bifidobacterium spp. cannot tolerate these conditions.

    But life is busy. Sometimes you simply forget. Other times, you don’t have your probiotics with you.

  5. The Benefits of NAC: Uncovering the Science

    Benefits of NAC

    The Benefits of NAC: Uncovering the Science

    Learn about NAC, amino acids, antioxidants, and glutathione

    Iron. Vitamin C. Omega-3 and 6. Calcium. Vitamin D. Magnesium. Zinc. Vitamin B12.

    This is a pretty good list of vitamins and minerals you should be getting on a daily basis. When you combine a daily multivitamin with a balanced diet, you’re oh so close to giving your body everything it needs.

    Yes, you read that right – you’re close to giving your body the nutrients and support it needs to power you through your days.

    But there are a couple of pieces missing in this giant nutrition and whole-body health puzzle – amino acids and antioxidants. 

    And more specifically, I want you to know about N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC).

    NAC is the supplemental form of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine is one of three amino acids used by the body to create glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. *

  6. Propolis Benefits: Nature's Best Kept Secret

    Benefits of Propolis

    Propolis Benefits: Nature's Best Kept Secret

    Discover 7 science-backed potential benefits of propolis

    You may not have heard of "bee glue," but it's exactly what it sounds like—a sticky, resinous mixture that bees use to fill gaps in their beehives. 

    And for us humans, bee glue may provide a range of health benefits. In fact, bee glue or as it’s more commonly named, propolis, has a long history of use in natural healing and health.  

    Because propolis is high in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, this natural substance is believed to aid in wound healing, fight infections, reduce inflammation, and provide antioxidant effects.

    One of our goals with the Quantum blog is to shine a light on overlooked and lesser-known health supplement ingredients. 

    In this blog we take a deep dive into propolis, exploring its long history of use, examining what science says about its potential benefits, and providing background on the importance of antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids. 

  7. How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

    Blood Glucose Levels

    How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

    7 lifestyle strategies to lower your blood sugar naturally

    Day in and day out, you probably don't give much thought to your blood sugar levels. This is normal. If you don’t have diabetes, blood sugar and hyperglycemia are simply not on your radar. 

    I thought the same thing. I eat well, exercise regularly, get lots of sleep, and I don’t smoke. But I did struggle with energy crashes in the late afternoon, often feeling like I needed a nap. I assumed this was due to getting up early for swim practice and the occasional late night out. Even with cutting back on the late nights, I just couldn’t shake the afternoon energy slump. I also noticed I was unusually thirsty and occasionally had blurry vision.

    After a trip to my doctor, I learned all about blood sugar and nondiabetic hyperglycemia. Turns out the sugary energy drinks and packaged energy bars I ate before my workouts and in the afternoon to tide me over to dinner were causing my blood sugar to spike

  8. Your Guide to Natural Menopause Supplements

    Guid to Menopause Supplements Image

    Your Guide to Natural Menopause Supplements

    We answer your questions about menopause

    By Jenny Perez, BSc, Herbal Sciences

    Menopause. Perimenopause. Hot flashes. Insomnia. Irregular periods. Night sweats. Fatigue. Vaginal dryness. Bladder leakage. 

    Yes, in this blog we’re talking about it all! It’s time to end the silence about this hormonal change in women.

    Fortunately, most women are no longer as shy discussing this very real fact of life. Women are posting about their menopause experiences on social media, talking about it openly with their friends (and complete strangers), and there are articles about it online and in major news media.

    This is a very good thing. And we want more of it. This is why we wrote this blog. We know you have questions about menopause and perimenopause. And we know it can be hard to know who to trust online. 

    Use this blog as your trusted resource for answers to questions about what menopause is and when it starts, natural menopause supplement options,

  9. Your Guide to Balanced Nutrition

    Balanced Nutrition

    Your Guide to Balanced Nutrition

    Learn how to make balanced nutrition part of your everyday

    Food and what to eat is a hot topic. It seems like every month there is a new expert with a book, podcast, or blog about the foods you need to be eating for better health right now. 

    High protein. Low carb. Fruits and vegetables, but not juice. Smoothies but only green ones. Yes to fat but not too much. Sugar but only Saturdays. Superfoods at every meal. Never eat red M&M’s. 

    Okay, we got a bit silly at the end – but you get the idea. There is so much mixed messaging out there about food that it can be downright confusing to know how to eat to support your health – while still enjoying food.

    The message we really like about food and eating is BALANCE. Aiming for balanced nutrition is perhaps the simplest way to approach food choices.

  10. Your Guide to Different Types of Protein

    Guide to Different Types of Protein

    Your Guide to Different Types of Protein

    Learn the facts on protein so you can make the best choice for your body *

    By Jenny Perez, BSc, Herbal Sciences

    If it feels like every health and fitness blog, magazine, podcast, and social feed is talking about protein – you’re right! Protein is all the rage and thank goodness for this. *

    Thanks to research we know that protein is something you, me, your neighbors, my colleagues, and well, everyone needs. Protein used to be the domain of weightlifters, bodybuilders, and elite athletes. *

    But not anymore. Ongoing research into whole-body health is putting protein front-and-center as a key nutrient that each of us needs to prioritize. 1*

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