Our Blog

  1. Unlock the Mysteries of pH Balance and Optimal Health with the Vitality of Greens

    Fermented Greens powder in a glass of water

    Unlock the Mysteries of pH Balance and Optimal Health with the Vitality of Greens

    Are you struggling to keep your diet in balance? Do you feel like you're not getting enough fruits and veggies? If so, you're not alone. But don't worry, there's a simple solution – fermented greens! These foods and powders are not only packed with nutrients that promote pH balance, which is crucial for keeping inflammation and disease at bay, but they also offer a boost of energetic vitality that can help you feel your best. Let's take a closer look at why fermented greens are worth adding to your diet. 

  2. The Yin and Yang of Calcium and Magnesium: Understanding the Energetic Properties of Nature’s Elements

    Apple with mineral breakdown

    The Yin and Yang of Calcium and Magnesium: Understanding the Energetic Properties of Nature’s Elements

    As health-conscious consumers, we're always on the lookout for ways to improve our wellbeing. While we're familiar with the physical benefits of minerals like calcium and magnesium, did you know that these minerals also have energetic properties that can help us better understand the modern uses of these two elements?

     In traditional medicine systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of yin and yang is used to describe the dynamic interplay of opposing energies within the body that work together to balance extremes while nourishing the body. In this blog, we'll explore the yin and yang relationship of calcium and magnesium and how they can be used to support our overall health and vitality.

  3. Does your Exercise Routine Resonate with Your Body Type?

    Woman excercising on a yoga mat

    Does your Exercise Routine Resonate with Your Body Type?

    If you're looking to achieve peak wellness, then you need to know about Ayurveda and its doshas. In this blog, we'll break down what Ayurveda is, what doshas are, and how they relate to your diet and exercise routine. We'll even compare and contrast doshas with body types, so you'll have all the info you need to start your wellness journey.

  4. Keep Heart Health in Rhythm with Beets

    Man with hands over heart

    Keep Heart Health in Rhythm with Beets

    The heart is a vital organ that pumps blood to every corner of our body. To keep it functioning at its best, it's important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet. One food that can greatly benefit heart health is beetroot. This colorful vegetable is loaded with nitrates and betalains - two powerful nutrients that can bring about some energizing changes in the health of our cardiovascular system. In this article, we'll explore how beetroot can help keep our heart ticking like a happy clock.

  5. Vitamin E’s Most Potent Family Member

    Spoon and blocks spelling vitamin e

    Vitamin E’s Most Potent Family Member

    Have you ever heard of tocotrienols? This relative of vitamin E is proving to be a heart health powerhouse! Offering more antioxidant protection than vitamin E’s tocopherols, tocotrienols are being recognized as potent phytochemicals that can help cool the fire of oxidative stress. Why is that important? Oxidative stress is the driving force toward ageing, and chronic health conditions. Let’s explore how tocotrienols can nourish heart health and more!

  6. The Unassuming, Heart-Healthy Superfruit - Hawthorn Berries

    Hands Holding Berries

    The Unassuming, Heart-Healthy Superfruit - Hawthorn Berries

    When we consider food as medicine, hawthorn berries are an underutilized superfruit. No big surprise since it’s a member of the delicious and economically important rose family. Since the 1st century, hawthorn berries have been utilized as a heart healthy herbal medicine. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of hawthorn berries and why it should be part of your heart-happy health plan!

  7. Psyllium Fiber – Minerals, Mucilage and Might

    Pysillium for gut health

    Psyllium Fiber – Minerals, Mucilage and Might

    Having a healthy weight is crucial for overall wellbeing, and there’s no better place to start than with your diet. Are you looking for a way to boost your fiber intake without having to eat another bran muffin? If so, psyllium fiber may be the answer. Not only is psyllium seed and husk loaded with soluble fiber, but psyllium also contains soothing mucilage which effectively relieves bloating and constipation. 

  8. Bentonite Clay: Mineral-Packed Multipurpose Medicine

    Clay in Bowls on Table

    Bentonite Clay: Mineral-Packed Multipurpose Medicine

    Bentonite clay is rich in minerals, including silica, calcium, and magnesium, and has a fine, soft texture. When mixed with water, it becomes highly absorbent, which is why it is often used to treat digestive issues and help with detoxification. This versatile clay can also be mixed into a paste and applied to the skin for cosmetic benefits, such as alleviating rashes and helping ward off acne.

  9. Can the “Sunshine Vitamin” Deliver Mood-Boosting Relief?

    Sunshine Vitamin

    Can the “Sunshine Vitamin” Deliver Mood-Boosting Relief?

    As the winter season creeps in, do you find yourself constantly craving a midday nap? Do you feel the urge to reach for an extra cup of coffee? You may be experiencing the winter blues, that unpleasant feeling of sluggishness and sadness that often comes with shorter days, darker evenings, and chillier mornings.

    So how do you unlock your inner cheer and drive out feelings of dread during winter months? One famous vitamin might be the key.

  10. Feeling the Frenzy of Seasonal Stress?

    Stresseed Woman

    Feeling the Frenzy of Seasonal Stress?

    Everyone may feel anxious from time to time, especially when work or home life becomes hectic. Stress is a natural part of your body’s response to demands it might face, including significant life challenges, changes to diet or physical activity, and even seasonal weather changes. The feeling of stress is the reaction of your body to any changes that require adjustment or adaptation. Chronic stress can cause or worsen conditions such as depression, personality disorders, cardiovascular disease, eating disorders, skin and hair problems, and gastrointestinal upset. 

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