Our Blog

  1. Have You Ever Heard of the Ancient Detoxification Superstar: the Cordyceps Mushroom?

    Have You Ever Heard of the Ancient Detoxification Superstar: the Cordyceps Mushroom?

    Have You Ever Heard of the Ancient Detoxification Superstar: the Cordyceps Mushroom?

    The cordyceps mushroom is an ancient medicinal mushroom originating from the Tibetan plateau. This amazing mushroom has been used as an adaptogen in traditional Chinese medicine for millennia to promote the body’s natural detoxification pathways

  2. Self Care Wellness: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

    Wellness Check Yoga Meditation

    Self Care Wellness: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

    You may think of self-care as being all about the perfect diet and supplements, but the reality is that practicing self-care also requires self-reflection and internal motivation. The most important part of this process is for you to find actions that work for you, not necessarily anyone else. During stressful times, it can be critical to check in with yourself every day.  

  3. What Are the Benefits of Solubilized Keratin?

    Healthy Curly Strong Hair

    What Are the Benefits of Solubilized Keratin?

    It’s no secret that soft, glowing skin and strong, shiny hair are some of the most visible signs of overall health, but there are many factors that can impact the health of your skin and hair. If you have ever scoped out the supplement aisle in your local grocery store, you have probably seen dozens of supplements offering help for hair, skin, and nails. With all of these supposedly “miracle cures” available, it can be hard to know which ones can really make a difference.  

  4. Do You Struggle With Overeating?

    Man Eating Apple

    Do You Struggle With Overeating?

    Do you find yourself struggling with overeating or mindless snacking? You are not alone. Over 70 percent of American adults are now overweight and nearly 40 percent are obese. Much of this weight gain above normal weight is due to overeating and eating empty calorie food. You don’t have to be part of these statistics. You can protect your waistline with the help of 

  5. Micro Ideas to Upgrade Your Health in 2021

    Happy Healthy Woman

    Micro Ideas to Upgrade Your Health in 2021

    Are you guilty of making ambitious New Year’s resolutions and then feel terrible when you fail to carry them forward – year after year? You are not alone. For those who feel the “glow” and excitement of  making a New Year’s resolutions every year, most of them will sadly 

  6. Can the “Greener” Mediterranean Diet Be Better than the Original?

    Greener Mediterranean Diet

    Can the “Greener” Mediterranean Diet Be Better than the Original?

     The original Mediterranean diet consists of wild-caught fish (as well as some meat and poultry), fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, moderate consumption of alcohol (such

  7. Seven Reasons to Get the Lead Out – Today!

    Woman Exercising Resistance Bands

    Seven Reasons to Get the Lead Out – Today!

    If you frequently think "I should get some exercise today” or “Time to hit the gym,” you’re right! Make today the day that you start a more active lifestyle. The benefits of exercise go far beyond simply shedding unwanted weight and fitting back into your old jeans.

  8. The Truly Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple Cider Vinegar Against Pink

    The Truly Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

    The health benefits of apple cider vinegar range from sunburn relief to gut health support to the alleviation of cold symptoms and seasonal allergies. With all of the benefits that apple cider vinegar has, this must-have item should be a staple of your nutrition routine.  

  9. We Know You Cheated. . .

    Shame and Guilt Pink

    We Know You Cheated. . .

    So. . . you cheated on your diet. It happens to the best of us! The important thing is that despite “falling off the wagon” and consuming some of that “junk” food, you can get yourself back on track quickly and easily by prioritizing a few key 

  10. Are There Hidden Advantages of Drinking Green Tea?

    Green Mug Green Tea

    Are There Hidden Advantages of Drinking Green Tea?

    Did you know that tea is found in nearly 80% of all households? Are you one of the 159 million people in the U.S. enjoying this beneficial beverage daily? About 15% of 84 billion servings of imported tea was green tea while 84% was black tea. After you read about benefits of

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