Our Blog

  1. Hidden Risks in Your Holiday Feast

    Thanksgiving Holiday Feast Dinner

    Hidden Risks in Your Holiday Feast

    Do you look forward to the “over-the-top" food fare that the holidays bring? One of the primary reasons that people get together during the holidays is not only for friendly exchanges but for the luscious food! Elaborate cuisine creations can be a major part of the holiday season, but food-focused holiday events might pose a hidden risk to your health.  

  2. Winter Is Coming. . . Are You Prepared?

    Girl in Warm Clothing Winter Health

    Winter Is Coming. . . Are You Prepared?

    When the temperature drops and the holidays are right around the corner, many people look forward to the end of the year which will be filled with joyous celebration, family affairs, and festive parties. However, this time of year can throw unexpected hurdles your way in terms of additional stress, anxiety, and mood troubles. Are you prepared for this year's holiday stress? 

  3. Fun Alternatives to Sticky, Sugary Sweets

    Fruit Leather

    Fun Alternatives to Sticky, Sugary Sweets

    With Halloween fast approaching, many parents may be wondering if there are alternatives to those sticky, sugary sweets that are common around this time of year. Although children may love them, Halloween treats are anything but healthy. The sugar, artificial sweeteners, and harmful additives in many of these candies can send blood sugar on a roller coaster, stress tooth health, and sideline healthy eating habits. If you’re looking to avoid the sugar-rich candy overload this Halloween, check out some of these ideas for healthier, creative alternatives.

  4. How to Have a Fun (and Safe!) Halloween

    Painted Pumpkins Against Blue

    How to Have a Fun (and Safe!) Halloween

    What is supposed to be a lighthearted holiday filled with fun costumes, creative decorations, and spooky stories might look a little different in the year 2020. In the midst of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are wondering how to keep their children and families safe this Halloween. While many public health officials recommend avoiding typical Halloween parties and trick or treating door-to-door, take a look at some fun ways for you and your family to celebrate this fall holiday.  

  5. Should You Choose Plant-Based Food Supplements?

    Whole Foods Grocery Bag

    Should You Choose Plant-Based Food Supplements?

    Many people in the United States do not get the recommended amount of daily nutrients through their diet alone, which is why over half of the US population takes daily nutritional supplements such as multivitamins. However, many people do not realize that synthetic nutrients and natural nutrients may not provide the same nutrients – and some sources suggest that synthetic nutrients can even be dangerous.  

  6. What Should You Look for in a Good Multivitamin?

    Healthy Woman with Natural Vitamins Pink Background

    What Should You Look for in a Good Multivitamin?

    Over half of all American adults, including 70% of those age 65 and older, take a daily multivitamin. Because of poor growth practices and pesticide use on foods, the typical American diet is sadly lacking in sufficient amounts of vital nutrients. Without a doubt, the wise choice is to supplement

  7. Breast Cancer Awareness Month – How to Watch Out and Protect Yourself

    Pink Ribbon on Pink Background

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month – How to Watch Out and Protect Yourself

    1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women with the exception of skin cancers. In 2020, approximately 30% of all new cancer diagnoses in women will be breast cancer. Although breast cancer is extremely common, specific early warning signs can help a woman be aware so she can take some simple measures

  8. Saffron – As Mysterious as the Orient

    Bowl of Saffron on Blue Background

    Saffron – As Mysterious as the Orient

    Saffron is one of the oldest spices in history and is still commonly used today 

  9. Can This Unconventional Agent Help Boost Immunity?

    Young Girl Drinking Milk

    Can This Unconventional Agent Help Boost Immunity?

    Have you heard about colostrum? You’ll be surprised to learn about its many health benefits. Colostrum is an incredibly nutrient-rich fluid produced by all female mammals immediately after giving birth. It is a major constituent of “first milk”, the milk a mother passes on to a child shortly after birth.

  10. One of Our Most Favorite Molecules: Tocotrienols

    Happy Healthy Woman on Yellow Background

    One of Our Most Favorite Molecules: Tocotrienols

    Tocotrienols are a stellar group of compounds with an interesting range of health benefits. They belong to the vitamin E family along with tocopherols. These compounds come in four different forms: alpha, beta, delta, and gamma, but it is the delta fraction that has the most stunning research. c

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