Our Blog

  1. Mind and Microbiome: How Gut Health Supports Cognitive Function

    The Gut-Brain Connection

    Mind and Microbiome: How Gut Health Supports Cognitive Function

    Uncover the secret to a sharper mind and vibrant well-being by tapping into the power of the gut-brain axis. Explore effective ways to support your cognitive function by focusing on gut-brain nutrition and lifestyle principles that help maintain mental sharpness and support healthy aging. 

  2. Reishi Mushroom: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness

    Reishi Mushroom Powder

    Reishi Mushroom: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness

    Discover the ancient reishi mushroom, once prized by royalty for its powerful health benefits. Now a trending functional food, reishi supports energy, immunity, healthy aging, and more. Learn all about reishi and how to integrate this ancient medicine into your everyday diet for enhanced well-being. 

  3. The Real Deal on Magnesium: Why Magnesium is Important

    Magnesium Sources

    The Real Deal on Magnesium: Why Magnesium is Important

    Do you sometimes crave dark chocolate but aren’t sure why? Well – it’s packed with magnesium, for one. Maybe you are magnesium deficient, and your body is looking for it.

    But what is magnesium, anyway, and what does it do for the body?

    It can be acquired through food or supplementation, but make sure you understand how different forms of magnesium might affect you before you start a supplementation routine. Because however you slice it, magnesium is a requirement, and you need it. 

  4. Beyond Muscle: Creatine’s Impressive Benefits for the Brain

    Creatine powder and capsules next to a dumbbell

    Beyond Muscle: Creatine’s Impressive Benefits for the Brain

    Did you know that the well-known supplement many athletes swear by can also increase your brainpower? 

    Creatine is well-known for its role in enhancing physical performance. But beyond its advantages for added muscle strength and endurance, creatine can also offer impressive benefits that contribute to brain health and functionality. 

    In this blog, we’ll explore what creatine does, how it supports your brain, and how to make it a valuable addition to your wellness routine.

  5. Discover the Potential Benefits of Chaste Tree

    Discover the Potential Benefits of Chaste Tree

    Discover the Potential Benefits of Chaste Tree

    Learn more about the potential health benefits of Chaste tree and how it may help support women’s hormonal health.  

    By Brittany Findlay 

    There are many herbs and nutrients like Chaste tree that may support a woman’s hormonal changes throughout life’s stages. In this blog, you will discover some potential benefits of Chaste tree supplementation. 

  6. Managing Work-Related Stress — Finding Your Balance

    Work Related Stress

    Managing Work-Related Stress — Finding Your Balance

    We all work hard to balance work responsibilities, often facing daily stressors that, over time, can take a toll on our health and well-being. In this blog, you will discover 5 strategies to help you manage your work-related stress and find your balance.

  7. Focusing on the Benefits of Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol

    Focusing on the Benefits of Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol

    Focusing on the Benefits of Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol

    If you are like most people, you continue to search for ways to help manage your stress while balancing various day-to-day responsibilities and pressures. Understanding what cortisol is and the role it plays in your overall health creates a clear picture of why we may need to explore natural ways to reduce cortisol levels.

  8. Your Kidney Health: The Best Foods for Kidney Health

    Kidney Health

    Your Kidney Health: The Best Foods for Kidney Health

    How often do you think about your kidneys and kidney health? If you’re like most people – not very often. These mighty and vital organs are essential to good health and wellness and need to be cared for. Learn about the role your kidneys have in your total body health, the best foods for kidney health, and how you can keep your kidneys healthy.

  9. What is a Plant-Based Diet?

    What is a Plant-Based Diet?

    What is a Plant-Based Diet?

    A plant-based diet consists primarily of foods from plants. Research shows that reducing consumption of meat, fish, seafood, dairy, and eggs and increasing consumption of plant-based foods has health, environmental, and financial benefits. Get tips on how to make the switch to plant-based eating and the variety of plant-based eating approaches. 

  10. Movement – It’s What We’re Made For

    Movement – It’s What We’re Made For

    Movement – It’s What We’re Made For

    Developing and maintaining an exercise routine is an essential part of health and wellness, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. If traditional forms of exercise feel like an unenjoyable grind for you, or if they just don’t suit your body, you’re not alone! Keep your workouts fresh, fun, and feeling right by exploring our list of 12 creative ways to stay active. 

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